Thursday, August 9, 2012

Baby Lake Preview Post

As I prepare to write a formal post about our week at the cabin in July I thought I'd start by giving you all a little teaser post...

Our week at the cabin was wonderful. It only rained once and when it did rain it was a major storm leading to lights out at the cabin. No one went to the emergency room. It was hot, hot, HOT and the mosquitoes were hungry little devils. All in all it was a complete success!

Boys will be boys...

Just a few shots of my baby boy who is no longer a baby really. I swear this kid becomes more and more of a toddler each and every day. Where did my sweet little baby go? The trade off: he now gives me kisses when I ask for them.

My heart...

These pictures pretty much some up the title to this post...These two guys (and our not-so-small dog, too) are truly my heart.  I knew pretty early on in my relationship with my husband that he was the one for me.
Story time with daddy while "big sister" naps

This is a good story, mama! Don't tell daddy that I'm not paying attention!!!
The story of how my loves came to be:

After only 6 months of dating we dropped the "L-bomb" on one another and I meant it 110%. Exactly one year after exchanging "I Love You" with one another Jason popped the question. And one year (+ 9 days) after that we became husband and wife. (I told you we have a thing for the month of June!)...

Jason just gets me. He makes me smile and laugh even when I'm in the worst possible mood. He listens to me even when he has no idea what I'm talking about. He puts up with me even when I'm being super difficult. He puts up with me and accepts me for who I am. He tells me that I'm beautiful and doesn't notice (or care) when I put on a few pounds or spend the day in sweats. He just loves me. What more can a girl ask for?

Now on to Prudence Lucille: About a year and a half after Jason and I started dating we became "parents" to our Great Dane, Prudence, and let me tell you, it was love at first site. Seriously, how can you not love that little face.

I can still remember the first time I saw her little face on Due North Ranch's website. We weren't in the market for a dog for ourselves at that time. You see, my in-laws 2 year old Dane, Conrad, had recently passed away so I was on the search for a new dog for them, and there she was...Here we are 4 years later and she is seriously the best dog that I have ever been around. She is loyal, loving, protective, and very goofy at times. Most importantly she loves Ryder and she is constantly watching over her "little brother".

And my goodness this dog is patient. Some of Ryder's favorite hobbies include sitting on his dog, yelling at his dog, hitting his dog with whatever random toy happens to be in his hand, feeding his dog from his highchair, sharing his paci and other toys with his dog, and just lounging around the house with his dog. I say "his dog" because that what she has become. Prudence used to be a total mama's girl but since Ryder has come into the picture everything has changed. While she still loves her mama, on most days Prudence only has eyes for our little Roo.

And then there's Ryder. I don't need to get into the details of how that little monster came about. You can read all about it here - Ryder's birth story. Becoming a mother puts a whole new spin on the "love at first site" phenomenon. You think you know what it means to love someone/something and then your child is born and you better watch out because that amount of love is going to knock you right on your butt (in a good way, of course). I've been thinking of how to put into words my love and feelings for Ryder but the truth of the matter is this: there are NO words in this universe that could even come close to explaining how I feel about that little boy. He is my whole world. My reason for being. My purpose. My heart.