Monday, December 19, 2011

Blog Slacker...

So you know how I kept promising that I would be better about updating my blog on a more regular basis...well that didn't exactly happen. It's been months since I last posted on here, and not because I haven't wanted to or because we haven't had anything going on in our lives worth blogging about, but because I just plan forget to do it! So, here come a few entries to bring you all up to speed on what's been going on in our lives.

Here's what Ryder has been up to: He enjoyed his first Halloween dressed up as an adorable bat. On Thanksgiving he had his first taste of real food - mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and even some pumpkin pie - and he love it all. The day after Thanksgiving he cut his first tooth followed quickly by his second tooth 3 days later. He is rolling around everywhere and getting into everything and it won't be too long before he's officially crawling. He loves to make noise and I'm convinced that he said his first word and that it was "momma" (Jason thinks I'm crazy). At our most recent dr's appointment he was 20 pounds and 28 inches at 7 months of age. He is definitely growing up too fast and this momma thinks he should slow down. Where did my little baby go?

Here are some pictures of our growing baby boy:

 Me and My (not so little) Guy
Solids have been a total success...

The world's cutest bat - Ryder's first Halloween...
Ryder and daddy...
 Our happy boy on his first Thanksgiving...
 Sweet potatoes are yummy...and messy!
Gotta love that face, I think it's Ryder's way of saying "Merry Christmas"
and Happy Holidays from our family to yours'

Much Love - Danielle