Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week #4...2 days late this time!

My posts just keep getting later and later. I keep telling myself that I will do my posts on Sundays but this makes 2 weeks in a row that it hasn't happened. I do have to say that I have a good excuse for not blogging on this past Sunday, though.

My little Ryder Roo was sick all weekend with a stomach bug. It all started with his 1:00 am bottle on Friday morning. Shortly after drinking his milk Ryder coughed a couple of times and started throwing up...projectile vomiting is a better description of what happened. I got him cleaned up, changed his crib sheets, and put him back to bed thinking that it was just a fluke, one-time thing. Fast forward to 7:00 am when we were getting up for the day. I was sitting on the couch pumping so Jason got Ryder out of his crib and brought him into the livingroom and put him in his walker. Almost instantly Ryder started projectile vomiting again...it was a LOT of vomit. The good thing was that Ryder seemed very un-phased by throwing up, so that made it a little easier to deal with for this momma.

Later that morning Ryder drank his bottle and kept it down, so again I was thinking that it was a fluke thing and nothing to be worried about. Ryder napped as usual and was in decent spirits - he was a little cranky, but I was blaming that on the 3 teeth he was cutting. That afternoon I again gave Ryder his bottle and this time he was only able to get down 2-3 oz before projectile vomiting it all back up. I gave him a break for a few minutes and tried again with the same results. I started thinking about things and realized that he had only kept down 5 oz at the most since bedtime the night before...now I was worried! I promptly called the nurse line and was at first told to take him straight to the ER...now I was really scared!!! The nurse decided to page our doctor to see what he recommended for us, and it was decided that we could keep him home but that we would need to give him a small amount Pedialyte every 5-10 minutes while he was awake and to not give him any breastmilk or other foods until the next morning at the earliest. They also instructed us to directly to the ER if he did not improve or would not take the Pedialyte.

So, all this intensive hydrating meant no work for this momma (I was supposed to work night shifts all weekend). My sister brought us some Pedialyte and we got to work instantly on trying to get our little man hydrated. Thankfully he drank it - I was worried he wouldn't because he has never successfully drank anything besides breastmilk despite our best efforts. So all Friday night and into Saturday morning this momma was busy making sure her baby boy didn't get further dehydrated. It was a long, sleepless night...

Ryder seemed to feel better on Saturday morning but was still not himself for the rest of the weekend. Thankfully he only vomited once on Saturday, but unfortunately the vomiting was replaced by diarrhea...lots of diarrhea. We're still battling that beast (in much smaller quantities) today - only once so far today thank goodness - but fortunately he is back to drinking breastmilk in his normal times and quantities. He is still not too interested in eating real food though; we'll keep trying!

So, that was our weekend. I was only able to work on Sunday night, so there goes 24 hours of PTO! We do have some exciting news, though; while our little man was battling his stomach bug he cut 3 top teeth. That makes a grand total of 6 teeth for him already! To summarize everything else, here goes: he's still army crawling instead of "regular" crawling, he still loves bananas and sweet potatoes over everything else, he ate his first real banana and LOVED it, he continues to love taking baths in the big boy tub, and each day he fills my life with so much love that I can barely stand it!

Well, I think that's it for us for this past week. Can you believe tomorrow is already February? Time is flying! Less than 4 months to Ryder's first birthday...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Week #3 and already a day late!

Well, it's week #3 of my 52 week blog for 2012. I'm supposed to post on Sundays (originally it was going to be Fridays) so this post is officially late. Better late than never I guess! 

This week was another eventful life for our little Ryder Roo. He is continuing to grow and change so quickly. Sometimes I swear he is bigger in the morning than he was when I put him in his crib the night before! He is still working on cutting 3 teeth on his top gums. I am beyond ready for these teeth to come through because teething makes my normally happy baby fussy and clingy. When these teeth come through our little man will officially have 6 teeth. Still not much in the teeth department, though!  

Ryder's new favorite toys are farm animals that he got for Christmas from Jason's parents. They are the perfect size for his little hands and work great as teething toys because they aren't small enough to be a choking hazard.

Ryder tried a whole bunch of new food this weekend. On Saturday night he had noodles and green beans - everything that mommy and daddy had for dinner minus the chicken. I'm still nervous to try meat for some reason. He loved the green beans and was unsure of what to do with the noodles!

On Sunday morning Ryder had his first taste of pancakes and he LOVED them. Probably his favorite "real" food to date. Mommy even put a little butter and syrup on his pancakes for him. He was a sticky mess!

Some other accomplishments for Ryder this week: He is getting so much better at pulling himself up and standing unassisted. He's even had a couple moments of standing by himself (not holding on to anything) for about 20-30 seconds. He is such a big boy. He is also loving taking baths in the "big boy tub" and even laid down in the water a couple times. I think we are going to have a water lover on our hands - just like mommy when she was a kid!

Some other exciting news to report. I accomplished one of my New Year's resolutions today with the launch of my Etsy shop - Handmades by Dani Jo. I'm really hoping that this will be an exciting and successful venture for me as well as a way to make a little extra $ for our family. As of today I have only 3 items for sale, but I hope to add a few more by the end of the week. My mommy group has given me some great feedback on my first 2 items so I'll be making some changes on the next things. Here's hoping for some sales!

Here is a link to my shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/munsterbabyhandmades - Contact me for custom orders. I can make you a onesie for just about any occasion! Much Love - Danielle

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week #2

Only week #2 and I almost forgot to do a post.  I know, I know...I said I would post on Fridays...well, it looks like it's going to be Sundays instead!

Here's what happened in our life this past week. As usual I was working night shifts this week which meant that Ryder got to spend lots of quality time with his daddy. I remember the first night shift that I worked after returning to work back in August - Jason was so nervous and didn't know what to expect. Now he's a total pro at it! Actually, Ryder sleeps better at night when daddy is home than he does when mommy is home. Little stinker! So anyhoo, Ryder and daddy got to spend a few nights together just the 2 of them while mommy worked. Our little boy even slept through the night one of the nights.

Ryder also got to go to daycare 3 days this week which doesn't happen much with mommy's work schedule. He LOVES daycare, and our daycare provider said that he was a very good boy this week. He still enjoys watching the other kids play and watching the fish swim around in the aquarium. He's even getting better at taking naps while he's there. I wish mommy hadn't started the bad habit of holding Ryder while he naps, but he's only going to be little for so long. Live and learn I guess!

This weekend the 3 of us bummed around the house, cleaned, and went grocery shopping. Pretty exciting stuff, huh! In fact, we are so exciting that on Friday night I knit while Jason sorted his old baseball cards. We know how to party! On Saturday afternoon Ryder and I spent some time at my sister's house with her family before bumming at home that night. Sunday afternoon we watched the Packers play and lose - now mommy is in a not so great mood. I was really hoping they were going to make it to the Superbowl again this year. Now it's Sunday night and Jason and I are watching the movie "Due Date" and relaxing on the couch. I think we'll both be heading to bed before too long.  Time to start another work week!

Here's Ryder eating toast for his first time...he LOVED it!

2 weeks down...50 to go! Much Love - Danielle

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

The new year brings lots of new things. Today I want to talk about New Year's resolutions; more specifically, MY resolutions. This year I'm looking at my resolutions as "goals", things that I want to accomplish in 2012. I put quite a few of them on my plate this year and really hope that I will be successful in accomplishing these goals.

Here's the list:

1. Stop with the foolish, unnecessary spending and actually put money aside into savings! - I haven't set a goal amount to have in savings by the end of the year, but I hope it's atleast 3 digits. That might not sound very ambition to some, but I want to start with a small goal and see if we can't surprise ourselves by ending up with a considerable amount more than that...
2. (going along with #1) Pay off more debt - we paid of over $8,000 in debt last year and it felt amazing. I want to do the same or better this year.
3. Lose another 20 pounds - this would put me at the same weight I was when I graduated high school which would just be incredible. It's a good thing I'm planning to continue breastfeeding until Ryder is a year old. I'm currently fitting into size 6 jeans but would love to be back into a size 4. I hope that's not an unattainable goal...
4. Start running - I hear that it's addicting but that the first month SUCKS. I'm really hoping that I can make it through the first month and becoming a running addict. Going along with this I'd really like to run the 5K at Truman Days this summer. I told my SIL Dana that I'd run it with her and I really want to honor that agreement.
5. Open an Etsy shop - it's time to put my creativity to work and sell some of my handmade items. I would love to have my shop open by the end of February. Hopefully people will think my stuff is worth buying!
6. If the Etsy thing doesn't work, then I want to find a way to make a little extra $ for our family so that we can accomplish #1 and #2.
7. (my favorite one) Have more SEX - No explanation needed on this one... The hubs thinks this is a great resolution/goal, let's see if he's up to the task!
8. Take the GRE (ugh!) and apply to grad school - This is the one that I am least confident about doing. Time will tell if it happens but I sure hope that it does...
9. Put new carpet into our bedroom and the basement bedroom - This would complete our renovations (for the most part) and make me a happy camper!
10. Be more organized - I am such a type A personality so one would think that I'd be the most organized gal on the block but this is NOT the case. Organization needs to be a top priority in my ever-increasingly busy life. To-do lists and planners, here I come!

I think that 's it for my 2012 resolutions. Here's hoping that this year proves to be one of prosperity, weight loss, creativity, frugality, and passion! I hope that you are all having a wonderful start to the new year and I wish you all luck in accomplishing your goals and sticking to your resolutions.

Happy 2012 & Much Love - Danielle

The holidays are over...

...and thank goodness for that! While I truly LOVE (and I do mean love the holidays) I am always so glad and relieved when they are over and done with for the year. My bank account definitely appreciates that they're over, too! This past weekend we celebrated Christmas with my husband's family back in good ol' Truman. It was a very nice and relaxing weekend.

When we got to Truman on Friday night we stopped over at the in-laws for a little while before Ryder and I ventured the 6 miles to my parents' house. Ryder played with is grandma and grandpa for a couple hours before we headed to bed way past his bedtime - that's what we get for taking a 2 hour car ride before bedtime! On Saturday morning Ryder made sure to wake me up nice and early like he always does (heaven forbid I actually get to sleep in) and we spent the first half of the day with my parents. That afternoon we headed back to Jason's parents' house where I spent the afternoon and early evening helping my MIL to cook our Christmas feast - and what a feast it was!

We had ham, duck (which I did NOT try but did name Daffy and Donald), brisket, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, scalloped corn, stuffing, yiffda, delicious bread, lefse, and pumpkin pie. Everything was delicious. I think we all ate until we were ill, gosh it was good! I helped to cook most of the food, so I do have to give myself a pat on the back for my cooking skills. Plus, I'm getting to continue enjoying the fruits of my labor via leftovers...lots of leftovers.

After the kids asked for the 100th time if they could open gifts we decided that we better; also, Ryder was fading fast so wanted him to open his presents before he had a total meltdown. Presents were a hit and I think everyone was very satisfied with the generous gifts. Thank you again to my in-laws for everything they got us, and thank you to Auntie Mull and Uncle Brian for all the fun cowboy gifts you gave Ryder. The favorite present of the night was Ryder's "pony". If you are a Toy Story fan and you have kids or know someone who has kids then you seriously need to get off your butt and go buy this toy.
After the gifts had been opened and Ryder had been put down for the night, hubs and I had a great time looking at his baby pictures which my MIL finally found. We still can't decide who Ryder looks more like (me or him), but I think after seeing DH's baby pictures it's safe to say that Ryder definitely looks more like his daddy. It will be interesting to see if this stays true as our little man grows up.

We spent the majority of Sunday at my parents' house but did spend a couple hours at the in-laws which was nice b/c DH's grandparents were there and got to see Ryder. All-in-all it was a successful weekend. Ryder slept the whole way home on Sunday and still went to bed on time that night.

Here are some pictures of Ryder from this weekend at the in-laws. I "borrowed" these from my SIL's mobile uploads on Facebook. I will be sure to get some better pictures on here after I finally get them off of my camera and onto my computer!

With Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Olson
Opening a present from Great Aunt Kathy and Great Uncle Rick

And here we are in the middle of another work week. This momma has one more night shift to work before enjoying a relaxing 4 day weekend - and by relaxing I mean cleaning, cooking, laundrying, etc...

As always I promise to get some pictures on here soon. Remember to check back Friday for my 2nd entry of my "52 Week Blog".

Much love to you and yours! - Danielle

Friday, January 6, 2012

52 Week Blog - Week #1

So a couple weeks ago my "mommy group" and I had a talk about who would be doing a 365 blog for 2012. For those of you who don't know what a 365 blog is, it's updating your blog and posting a picture every single day for one year straight. After hearing about this idea I thought, "wow, what a cool way to watch Ryder grow and change over the next year!" I was instantly thinking that a 365 blog would soon be in the works...

Well, it is now January 6th and I have yet to post a blog update for 2012. So much for doing the whole 365 thing! Thankfully a few of the "mommies" suggested doing a 52 week blog instead which would be much less labor intensive. So...here it is my first official post for my 2012 52 week blog. I will post a picture later today. I've got some major updating to do, so bare with me!

Here's what Ryder has been up to so far in 2012: We spend NYE at our neighbor's house as usual, and after putting little Mr. to bed at 9:00 (an hour later than normal) he decided to wake up 10 minutes before the ball dropped to ring in the new year with mommy and daddy. My first official kiss of 2012 came in the form of a very slobbery baby kiss and I loved ever second of it. Ryder is still rolling and moving like crazy and has recently taken to army crawling everywhere. Let the baby proofing begin!!! Ryder cut his third tooth this week and is working on number 4 as we speak. He is starting to look like our little jack-o-lantern. Ryder has also started to pull himself up on EVERYTHING and even manages to stand unsupported for a few seconds.
 This momma is NOT ready for a walking baby... 

Happy 2012 everyone!!! I hope you are all having a great first week of the year. Here in MN the weather has been unusually warm so no complaints here. We're off to Truman this weekend for Christmas with Jason's family. Hope you all have a great weekend!

That's all for now, more to come soon...Make sure to check back on Friday the 13th for Week #2 of our 52 week blog.

Much Love - Danielle