Tuesday, March 8, 2011

An Introduction

As I've gone through this pregnancy I've come across MANY blogs. Each time I read one of these blogs I think, "I really should start one of these...What a great way to capture this moment"...So, here we go...Blog post numero uno:

I guess we'll start at the beginning...Jason and I had been talking about starting a family since before we were even married. We both knew that we wanted 2 children and that we wanted to wait at least a year after our wedding (June 13, 2009) to start trying. As the months passed I remember feeling more and more excited as we got one month close to starting this process. Our one year anniversary came and went, but because our friends were getting married on August 14, 2010 - and we were both in the wedding - we decided to wait a couple more months. So, the official decision was made to start trying for a little one as soon as our friends' wedding was in the past and that is exactly what we did.

A little over a month later - September 22, 2010 to be exact - our wishes came true. I had been feeling crampy and bloated for the few days leading up to this day and thought for sure that my dear old friend Aunt Flow was coming for a visit. One day went by...nothing; two days...nothing; three days...nothing. On the fourth day of "nothing" I decided to take a home pregnancy test. I thought that there was no way it would be positive after such a short time of trying, and I remember feeling disappointed as I took the test that morning because I just knew it would be negative. And then it happened...less than 30 seconds after taking the test I saw one word...PREGNANT!!! I couldn't believe my own eyes! I grabbed the 2nd test from the box and used it and again, less than 30 seconds passed and there was that word again...PREGNANT!!! I wish I could describe my emotions at this point in my life but I don't think there are any words to express how I was feeling. All of you mommas out there know this feeling all too well; it's a combination of excitement, joy, fear, shock, aw, etc. I called my husband to tell him the good news and I could only describe his reaction as complete and utter shock! (He called back later in the day to apologize for not sounding excited and reassured me that he was over the moon with joy!) After my brief phone call with Jason I did what any logical person would do...I went to Target and bought another 2-pack of home pregnancy tests. I quickly downed a bottle of water when I got home and proceded to take the newly purchased tests, and...you guessed it...they were positive, too! My next phone call was to my dr's office to set up my first appointment for 8 weeks (based on my LMP I was 4 weeks along). Let me tell you, those next 4 weeks seemed like a year!

Much Love - Danielle