Saturday, April 23, 2011

34 Weeks

Okay, so let me just say that I am REALLY bad at updating this thing. I would blame it on being almost 9 months pregnant and just not having the time but I don't think that's a very good excuse!

Just over 5 weeks to go until my due date! I cannot believe that we are getting this close to meeting our little boy. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and everything looked great. I'm measuring right on track and my doctor and his nurse both say I look small for almost 35 weeks (take that all you people that keep asking if I'm having twins!) and Ryder is head down and in the birthing position! I go back to the doctor again in a couple weeks and then we go to weekly appointments. Increasing the frequency of my appointments is really making this last stretch of my pregnancy fly by!

Lately I've been starting to feel a little overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done before Ryder is born...As of this past Monday I still needed to pack a hospital bag, pre-register at the hospital, finish the nursery, wash all of Ryder's clothes and blankets, wash all the bottles, and buy a TON of stuff...yikes! I'm starting to think that waiting unitl 37 weeks to have my baby shower is just too long to wait; there are so many things that I'm wanting to buy, but my rational brain is telling me that I should wait until after the baby shower because most of these items may be purchased and given to us as gifts. I really need to work on this whole patience thing!

As for the rest of the things on my "to do before Ryder's born" list...Jason is finally starting to feel the pressure that his son will be born in a little over a month so he has been hard at work finishing the last of the paiting projects (trim, chairrail, door, closet doors). In fact, everything besides the doors (the paint is drying as we speak) has been installed and looks great. I'll have to get some pictures on here ASAP; everyone has been asking to see the nursery. Hopefully I will get all the wall art hung before I take the pictures. This has been a major struggle for me...I just can't make a decision and I don't want to put a bunch of holes in our freshly painted walls...Wish me luck!

I can't think of a whole lot else to update you all on at this moment. I'll really try to post more frequently, especially since we have such exciting things coming in our near future. On this coming Tuesday night Jason and I are going to a breastfeeding class which I think will be very informative and interesting so I'm really excited about that. I'm also excited to have a short week at work (I worked 60 hours this week so I think I've earned it!). Next weekend we have absolutely NO plans and I can't wait to just hang out at home with Jason and Prudence. The following weekend will be full of all sorts of fun, though, as we'll be traveling back to Martin County for my baby shower, a family reunion, and our maternity photo shoot with the talented Christy Freeberg. Lots of positive things happening in our lives in these upcoming weeks!

Look for a post with some more updates soon (and hopefully some pictures, too!)...

Much Love - Danielle