Sunday, March 11, 2012

Catching up...Weeks 7, 8, 9, & 10

So, where did I leave off?...I know that at the end of each blog entry I say I will be better about updating and blogging more frequently, but obviously that isn't working. So, here we go with weeks 7-10 of my 52 week blog for 2012. We're going to start with Valentine's Day...

Valentine's Day 2012 was VERY low-key this year. Jason and I decided to skip the gifts this year, so to celebrate I made him one of his very favorite meals - complete with homemade cheesecake - and we enjoyed a nice dinner together after putting Ryder to bed that night. I do have to say that having my little Valentine made the day much more enjoyable than previous Valentine's Days have been.
My little "ladies man"; he's the best Valentine a girl could ask for!  

Valentine's Day is about the only eventful thing that happened during week 7. I had to work the weekend of February 17-19 which gave daddy and Ryder lots of bonding time. I think Jason was ready for the start of another work week by the time Monday rolled around!
Grocery shopping with mom!
Weeks 8 and 9 were equally uneventful with the most exciting thing being Jason's wisdom teeth removal and Ryder's 9 month check-up. And I almost forgot...Jason built the washer/dryer stand that I found on Pinterest. It turned out so good!!! Thanks for building it, honey!
Pinterest inspired...
 Our little guy is weighing in at 21 pounds 4 ounces (I don't remember how tall he was...). Dr. Jacobson said that Ryder is right on track for where he should be growth wise and is ahead of the game as far as his development goes. Hopefully we'll stay out of the dr's office until our planned appointment scheduled in May!
Look who's 9 months old - Ryder's first experience eating an Oreo.
Week 9 also brought the start of a new month...Can you believe it's March already! Lyndie and Jordan came down to visit us during the weekend of March 2-4 and it was very nice to spend some time with them. Ryder LOVES Jordan.
Hanging out with Lyndie and Jordan
Week 10 is coming to an end as we speak. I'm working the weekend again, so Jason is busy chasing Ryder around the house. Our little guy as finally mastered crawling and as you can imagine is getting into EVERYTHING!
Is this right, mom?
Getting so big!
As I look towards the upcoming weeks I see many weeks full of nothing but work and cuddle time with Ryder Roo. My parents are planning to come visit this coming weekend, so it will be nice to spend some time with them. Other than that it's looking like lots of boring days ahead, and in our life boring is good!

Much Love - Danielle